Denver 2022

Many reasons to travel to Denver in June. In this case to visit my family for a celebration of my Dad’s birthday. Not only that but Father’s Day too and Mother’s Day too too! The weather stayed superb throughout the whole visit and many outdoor activities were had. Each day was also filled with good food from my parents’ kitchen as well as some new restaurants I hadn’t been to before.

Required with all the eating was exercise. We had to take the requisite walk around the neighborhood, sometimes many walks around the neighborhood. On this particular trip it was just once that we made this outing. Lake, Dad, and I went to the driving range where I hit some golf balls for the first time in many years. Lake plays golf regularly and was impressed at my consistent swing and solid hitting. I am not planning to start golfing but it was nice to see my skills and get a compliment from the family expert. We also played Badminton with everyone in the backyard. This is a summer tradition it seems around here. We also had to push ourselves on the rowing machine. I tried a 90 second challenge to hit 500 m and didn’t really come close. That is a seriously fast pace. We also went for max power strokes. I hit 450-ish, similar to my Dad and Lake got 575-ish. Much easier for me to put out the watts on a bicycle though.

Sports continued with an outing to the Rockies game. We got to explore downtown both before and after the game. There is a huge influx of new buildings and people in Denver. Far different than I remember it. It is a place for the YUPies with nightlife galore. We ate dinner at Mr. Oso which was very reminiscent of BS Taqueria (RIP) in LA. I can see the appeal of Denver and certainly wouldn’t be making a bad choice living here.

I am still working on my chess. I got smoked by my Dad 3 times in a row. Zero wins for me so I have some work to do before the next visit.


Wine Country 2022


Rim Nordic XC Race 1 2022