Rim Nordic XC Race 1 2022

A strong day out on the bike on a course I hadn’t ridden before. This race took place at a Nordic ski area most of the way up to Big Bear. The event was well organized and there were a good number of competitors across the age ranges and categories. I raced in the Sport (cat 2) field for 30-39 year olds.

At the start of the race you always have to size up the competition. For this race it was fairly easy because they wrote a big letter on our claves to designate the categories. I was looking out for all the “M”s out there. There were some serious looking guys, shaved legs, nice kits that I thought would be my challengers. But with MTB racing, looks aren’t everything.

We were the first group off the start line for 2 laps (about 14 miles) of racing. I took the front at the start and stayed there through the first single track section. The course started with about 10 minutes of climbing that quickly split the field. Only 4 of us remained at the front after this first sector. Seems like my climbing speed was solid and made the split stick for the whole race. Then came a flowing mix of single track and fire road very reminiscent of Big Bear with sandy ruts and thin dry air. The four of us “M”s stuck together for the whole first lap and most of the 2nd before more separation came. The competition was quite even with some climbing better and others shredding the descents.

Most of the way through the last lap (lap 2). I got dropped by a guy and was just barely able to keep him in sight through some of the climbing. Through the next single track section I ran into some traffic with other riders and an “O” that passed me on the climb but hindered me on the descent. Coming into the last km, the last “M” was in sight and I could see the gap shrinking. I gradually caught him and slid onto his back wheel for just a moment. Then I attacked as best I could and gapped him. Seems like he was out of gas because when I looked back he was gone. Last few turns and through the finish. I won!

Nick and I had came together representing PAA. His category started 6 minutes after mine so I cheered him into the finish line. He, too, had won his category! It was a great day for PAA mountain bike racing!


Denver 2022


Culver City to Arroyo Grande, 300 km bike ride